Is making a Will on your to-do list?

Life is full of surprises.

We all know that the best time to plan for tomorrow is today.

Surprisingly, fewer than half of adults in the UK have made a Will. Of those who don’t have a Will, over half say the reason is because they have not got around to it.

We all hope to live a long and healthy life. We can’t know our own expiry date, so it makes sense to be prepared.

Sadly, we are called to visit people in hospital from time to time. Carisma Wills is one of the three Will writing practices on the UHNM Royal Stoke ‘emergency’ list. Whilst we will do all we can to help at a difficult time, we’d much rather meet you in the comfort of your home.

Is it time to move ‘Make my Will’ to the top of your to-do list?

Extra hassle

Without a Will you do not have an executor. Someone in your family must be appointed to act as an administrator of your estate. This can mean delay, expense, frustration, and maybe even loss.

Your chance to choose

Without a Will your children may not receive the amount you wanted them to receive. You’ve missed the opportunity to create a trust fund for them. This means that when they reach 18 they receive their inheritance. Few 18 year olds have the financial skills to manage a large amount of money. If you worry they might spend it and regret it later, your Will can add a useful safety net.

The website has a simple interactive tool that will show you who will inherit if there is no Will:

Without a Will heirlooms may be sold or passed outside your family.

Without a WillI your estate may go to a relative that you may have never spoken to, or don’t even like. Your Will can include a legacy for your favourite charity, just in case the worst should happen.

The people you love

Cohabiting relationships are not recognised in UK law. This means that your partner may not receive anything from your estate upon your death without taking legal action and expensive court costs.

Without a Will you cannot decide what is to happen in the event a family member dies before you.

Without a Will and proper planning, the family business may have to be sold or closed.

Ultimately, without a will, you are unable to exclude or include beneficiaries. You must depend on the law and the government to decide the economic fate of your family and loved ones.

Choice not chance

With so many options available how do you decide who to ask for help? 

There are online services, home visit services and the traditional options of going to a local solicitor or a bank.  As with any important purchase it is a good idea to make enquiries and shop around.  Be sure to check qualifications and credentials.  A recommendation from a friend or colleague can be useful.

Free will drafting services often appoint a professional executor who will charge fees to administer your estate. In your Will you can appoint a member of your family or a friend. They have the option to choose who to ask for help. 

As with most things in life if it seems too good to be true - it probably is!


Call Carisma Wills today on 01538 756166 for free advice or to make an appointment.  We promise there’ll be no hard sell, just affordable peace of mind.

Please note that information provided on the Carisma Wills website:

  • Does not provide a complete or authoritative statement of the law;

  • Does not constitute legal advice by Carisma Wills;

  • Does not form part of any other advice, whether paid or free.


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