Scroll down to read helpful articles on a wide range of estate planning topics, or use the search button to find answers to a specific query.
Do I have to pay my parents' care home fees?
Many of us face difficult and complex decisions when it comes to caring for our ageing parents.
With the announcement yesterday that Labout has scrapped the care cap of £86,000, you may wonder what this means for you.
Living together and marriage - what are the legal differences?
Cohabiting couples have fewer legal rights than married or civil partners. In England and Wales, the law does not recognise these loving relationships.
Here’s what you need to know.
What is Deputyship?
A Deputy is one or more people appointed by the Court of Protection (CoP) to make decisions on behalf of another who cannot do so themselves. The good news is that it’s easy to avoid expensive and stressful involvement with the slow, and bureaucratic CoP.
Read on to find out how Lasting Powers of Attorney are invaluable.
What is a discretionary Will trust?
A discretionary Will trust is like a gift box for your assets. With this legal trust arrangement, your trustees (people you choose because you trust them) have the legal power to decide how your assets are distributed among your beneficiaries. Your words, either verbally or in writing, guide their actions.
Let’s look at some of the situations where a discretionary Will trust could be advantageous.
Can someone with dementia make a Will?
You may think that if a person has a dementia diagnosis, they can no longer make a Will. In many cases, this could be true, but a qualified and experienced professional may be able to help. Read on for helpful guidance about the test for capacity to make a Will.
Can my children inherit if they live overseas?
The simple answer to the question “Can my children inherit if they live overseas?” is yes, but there could be a few hurdles to finalise matters.
If you are dealing with an estate with beneficiaries located abroad, there are a few additional issues that need to be considered. Find out more in our helpful article.
Who can be an LPA Certificate Provider?
Choosing a certificate provider requires thought and care. In this blog, we explore the choices and explain why your neighbour may not be the best choice.
Are you an extraordinary family?
In this blog, we delve into the importance of protecting children who, for whatever reason, may find it difficult to be independent adults. We look at the favourable tax treatment of Vulnerable Person Discretionary Trust and vital strategies that can safeguard a child’s future and ensure their well-being despite uncertainties.
What is the Danish practice of ‘death cleaning’?
Death cleaning (like estate planning) isn’t some eerie ritual involving black candles and incantations. It’s your chance to embrace life and spread a little tidying magic along the way. It's about making space for the things that truly matter and finding peace of mind knowing that everything is in its proper place.
Do I have to tell anyone what’s in my Will?
It may be challenging to have a conversation about your Will.
Many people find talking about dying painful and upsetting. We all know that despite the taboos, the inevitable will happen to us one day. It pays to make plans.
Here are a few handy tips to help you talk about your wishes and make the conversation as conflict-free and easy as possible.
What can I do to avoid probate delays?
Behind every probate application is a bereaved family trying to organise their affairs at what can be a very sensitive time. HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) aims to make the process of applying for probate as easy as possible for members of the public and probate professionals.
Here are a few top tips to help you avoid delays.
Can I give away my home to avoid tax?
Are you considering gifting your house to your children while you're still living in it?
You can give your house away to your children and continue living in it. BUT… and it’s a very big BUT… have you considered the 7 major disadvantages?
What information will my executors need?
Your executors will need to be able to find your personal and financial information when the time comes. A simple way to do this is to create a folder or document for your executors - one that details what you own and where you keep vital information. In this blog we share helpful hints, tips and our handy resources:
Crushing your 2024 Goals
Was making your Will on your NY resolutions list last year? Perhaps it’s the one goal you didn’t achieve in 2023. We understand it can feel daunting, but estate planning is simply part of sensible financial planning. Here’s a personal account of events that triggered action.
How will my Mum’s second marriage affect me?
Later-life marriage can bring immense joy and a few challenges. Foresight and careful planning are needed. This blog delves into the issues that may inadvertently impact family dynamics and inheritance.
Can executors inherit?
This is a common question often asked by clients and comes from a misconception that there’s a conflict between the two roles.
Here’s what you need to know:
Who can challenge a Will?
There's a misconception that anyone can contest a Will, but that's not true. Only a select few have that right.
The circumstances for making a claim against someone’s estate are also limited. Sadly, if your situation doesn't fit into the legally defined categories, you may not have any options.
We look at who can claim and why in this article.
Is your Will still valid?
Using a preprinted form from your local post office to write your Will may seem like an inexpensive option. But did you know that errors or ambiguity could create hassle and delay or mean your wishes can’t be followed?
Here are the top 5 mistakes we come across regularly: