Scroll down to read helpful articles on a wide range of estate planning topics, or use the search button to find answers to a specific query.

Wills, Estate planning Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, Estate planning Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

What information will my executors need?

Your executors will need to be able to find your personal and financial information when the time comes. A simple way to do this is to create a folder or document for your executors - one that details what you own and where you keep vital information. In this blog we share helpful hints, tips and our handy resources:

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Wills Donna Hames Wills Donna Hames

Crushing your 2024 Goals

Was making your Will on your NY resolutions list last year? Perhaps it’s the one goal you didn’t achieve in 2023. We understand it can feel daunting, but estate planning is simply part of sensible financial planning. Here’s a personal account of events that triggered action.

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Inheritance Tax Carisma Wills Inheritance Tax Carisma Wills

Are gifts tax-free?

Imagine your Grandpa won the EuroMillions jackpot and decided he wanted to share the luck with his family. Wonderful news, of course, and there is no income tax on a lottery jackpot, but there is a possible sting in the tail…

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Donna Hames Donna Hames

What is the golden rule?

The Golden Rule is a legal principle that advises legal professionals dealing with Wills and estate planning to exercise particular caution when assessing the mental capacity of a person creating or amending their Will, especially if that person is elderly or in ill health. We explain all in our blog:

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Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

Can executors inherit?

This is a common question often asked by clients and comes from a misconception that there’s a conflict between the two roles.

Here’s what you need to know:

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Bereavement Donna Hames Bereavement Donna Hames

Coping with loss

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be incredibly tough, and when you start thinking about what to do next, it can feel overwhelming.

This blog article explains what you'll need to address immediately and what can wait. We’ll cover the essential tasks to help you navigate the process, deal with the loss of a close relative or friend, and provide clarity and direction for the road ahead.

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Wills Donna Hames Wills Donna Hames

Where should I store my signed Will?

Your signed Will is the only valid document.

The local probate registry will insist on seeing the original Will, and it is almost impossible to prove a photocopy. If your Will can’t be found or is damaged, all your careful planning may be in vain.

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Later life care Donna Hames Later life care Donna Hames

What is a Living Will?

Your care in later life is something that might not be on your mind every day but is incredibly important for your well-being and peace of mind. Advance Decisions and Advance Statements are sometimes referred to as 'Living Wills.' These legal documents let you express your wishes for medical care if certain situations arise.

Let's explore your options.

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Lasting Powers of Attorney, Later life care Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Lasting Powers of Attorney, Later life care Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

How long does it take?

Lasting Powers of Attorney take several weeks to register.

The Office of the Public Guardian suggests the turnaround time is around 20 weeks. Recent experience suggests that allowing 5-6 months is a good idea.

You may want to arrange a little extra help while waiting for your Lasting Powers of Attorney to be registered. Find out more here:

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Who can challenge a Will?

There's a misconception that anyone can contest a Will, but that's not true. Only a select few have that right.

The circumstances for making a claim against someone’s estate are also limited. Sadly, if your situation doesn't fit into the legally defined categories, you may not have any options.

We look at who can claim and why in this article.

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Wills, DIY Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, DIY Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

Is your Will still valid?

Using a preprinted form from your local post office to write your Will may seem like an inexpensive option. But did you know that errors or ambiguity could create hassle and delay or mean your wishes can’t be followed?

Here are the top 5 mistakes we come across regularly:

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Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

Can I exclude someone from my Will?

Have you fallen out with someone in your family?

Does it worry you that someone who’s no longer in your life might inherit from you? If so, it’s time to make your Will.

Find practical steps to help you avoid a potential challenge in our latest blog.

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Wills Donna Hames Wills Donna Hames

How do I safeguard my child’s future?

As you get ready to wave them goodbye and wish them well with their university studies, celebrate their potential and the exciting journey ahead.

Making a Will is an essential step in safeguarding their journey.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

What does Cy-près mean?

Understanding your legal documents is essential. In this blog, we explain a key estate planning term: cy-pres.

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Wills, DIY Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, DIY Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

Can I write my own Will?

Writing your own Will may seem like money saving option. Our team regularly review handwritten Wills that contain minor (and major) errors that mean they are not valid or - worse still - don't have the effect that the Will maker intended. This article explains some of the pitfalls.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW Wills, Law Donna Hames BA Hons LLB Hons GDL(CPE) MIPW

What does hotchpot mean?

Understanding your legal documents is essential. In this blog, we explain a key estate planning term: hotchpot.

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Wills Donna Hames Wills Donna Hames

What’s the statutory legacy?

On 26 July 2023 the statutory legacy will increase from £270,000 to £322,000. Our blog explains the change and why it’s so essential to make a Will, regardless of the size of your estate.

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